Customize it!

Choose Your Own Color and Add a Custom Engraving!

There are two customization options for you to choose. You can can customize:

  • Change the color
    There are few basic colors available (gray, red, blue, green, yellow). If you can persuade us, we can make a clock of any color for you, as long as the material is available in that color. Usually baseboard and hands come in the same color, but not necessarily.colors
  • Add a custom logo or graphics
    We can cut a baseboard based on your own design.

What We Need To Do It?

To make a clock in your color, you only tell us the color you chose.

To engrave a custom logo, we need a little more detailed description of what you want. You should do the following:

  1. Download the design template. It’s a SVG drawing of the baseboard. You can open it with Inkscape or Adobe Illustrator or most drawing programs. There is a readme file inside, which you should read first before doing anything.
    Chaotic-Tock Customization Template (.zip)
  2. Add your design to the drawing. The places that will be covered by gears, motors and electronics are marked so that you won’t draw something that won’t be seen.
  3. Send us your design.


Please be aware that since all characters and shapes will be CNC laser cut, there are some limitations. You must choose a font with characters like O, D, R, P, B, A, Q have no separate inside regions – when cut, they will simply fall out. This will be the result:

font-errorYou should choose a font like this:

font-okSearch for stencil fonts.

There is also a limit on minimum thickness of lines of your design. If you place lines or holes too close together, the laser will melt the thinnest parts of material and the outcome will be disappointing. There should be at least 2mm of space between two cut-out regions.

Or… We can do it for you.

If you have an idea but you have no time, knowledge or skills to do it, we can do it for you. Contact our designer:

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